Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Wow! I am super honored. The lovely, brave, and super talented mixed-media artist and writer Wendy Poling nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.Thank you, Wendy.

Rules for Accepting the Very Inspiring Blogger Award 
  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State 7 things about yourself. (see below)
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them. (see below)
  • Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.     

Seven Things About Me (according to my six year old daughter)
  1. I have green eyes.
  2. I wear silver, hangy circle earrings all the time. (Totally true. They're my favorite earrings. I bought them at an outdoor market in Harlem during 2011.)
  3. I never smoke. (Err. This isn't entirely true. I've been known to smoke a cigar now + then. It's been a long time since I have, though and she never knew about it!)
  4. I like make-up. (Oh, this is true. I do like make-up...probably not-so-good that my daughter realizes this.)
  5. I stick my tongue out to be funny.
  6. I got a new computer for Christmas. (Super happy about this! I've been needing a laptop + I got a new, cute, white one!)
  7. My daughter says her favorite thing about me is that I give her hugs a lot. (Aww. Yes, I do love to hug her a lot.)
*I decided to ask my daughter seven things about me because I had already struggled coming up with the list over here...lol!*
 My nominations for the Very Inspiring Blogger award (in no particular order):

If you get the opportunity, please check-out the above bloggers' sites. They're amazing. And it was hard to choose only 15 blogs!

Happy New Year!!



  1. Thanks Becky, I will post it! How very sweet of you! Happy New Year and I so look forward to your amazing blog posts for 2013! :)

    1. I'm so excited to see your post, Indigene! :) I look forward to all of YOUR inspiring posts + your beautiful journal pages!

  2. Thank you Becky, you are too kind to include me on your list. It has been wonderful to meet you and share so much this year. I really look forward to sharing more creatively with you in 2013.

    1. Very well deserved, Suzi! It's been great meeting you, too, and learning through you. :)

      Happy New Year!!

  3. You are most welcome, my dear friend! I'm so grateful to get to know you here and in our Flyer group. Thanks for the super lovely things you said about me *blushing* - you made my day! I see some new discoveries in your nominations and look forward to exploring. Sending you light and love - happy new year! xo

    1. Wendy - everything I said is true. You're very talented and super inspiring. :) Thank you for being so, so thoughtful in including as a nomination for this award. :)

      Happy New Year to you!

  4. Congratulations on this amazing and so deserving award. Loved getting to know a few things about you.

    1. Awww, thank you, Suzanne. I always feel really special when I read your comments. :) <3

      Happy New Year to you!

  5. Aww, thank you Becky! That is so kind and thoughtful of you! I love that I "met" you and so many other talented, creative and inspiring women this year! Loved your "Seven things about me" facts too! Happy 2013!

    1. Love that I met you online, too, Jenn!! Have a great new year!!

  6. Thank you SOOOO much for the nomination, Becky! I am so chuffed! I am a having a huge catchup (because of a huuuuge backlog ;) ) so will get my post done as soon as I can.......


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