Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New Services Offered: Coaching

Hi Everyone!

So, you know that I'm not over on this blog much anymore since I now live back in the United States; however, I haven't gone away ... I have kept up a different site - Becky Cavender - for the past year where you can find all my writing. As luck would have it, I've been fortunate enough to have publications with Huffington Post, too. So you can check those out here

In the meantime, I have some great news that I'm sharing here because I feel that it may benefit some of you. 


I'm excited to announce a new service that I'm offering: Relationship Coaching.

The focus is working with individuals who are in transition, a state of change, and feel a pull to realign ... to get back in touch with their true desires. Any of you expats are not immune to what that feels like. Big moves are hard and can sometimes take its toll on your relationships - not only with others, but also with yourself. There often comes a time where you feel a bit ungrounded and wonder who you are now, in context to your new experiences.

I believe that relationships are our most powerful teachers. The people in our lives present an opportunity for us to learn more about ourselves, what we want, and what we don't want. They serve as reminders of who we really are at our core ... if we just pay attention. Though it's difficult to view challenging relationships and circumstances in this way - including moving to a new country - it's exactly these challenges, these difficulties, that allow us to look within most deeply and decide which path we want to take.  

Navigating uncertain territory is something I'm familiar with ... all of us are. When we travel through the rough patches, we can feel a bit lost and off-balance. I'm grateful and humbled for the opportunity to be part of the journey in reclaiming your sense of direction through coaching.

If you're interested in coaching sessions with me, or wonder what coaching exactly is, check out my new Coaching page over on Becky Cavender. You may also email me to ask about my process, available openings, and fees.

I'm very excited about the opportunity to work with any expats - either those currently living overseas or individuals who have recently repatriated. After living in five different countries on four different continents and repatriating twice (the last time as a single parent), I understand that sometimes this life can be a bit challenging. I'm more than happy to be there with you as you travel on your journey, advocating for you, and helping you remember who you are.

If you live overseas it isn't a problem to connect. We can chat via Skype and trust me - I understand difficult internet connections - so I will be flexible. Payment is typically made via PayPal, so if you live in a country where that service is blocked, let me know, and we'll come up with a different plan.

Note: Coaching is not counseling or therapy. Think of a coach as your personal trainer, your advocate. I'll support you in the goals you set for yourself and focus on forward movement to achieve those goals. Consider a counselor/therapist more like the surgeon you'd go to when you're unwell and need to remove acute pain. Coaching operates from the viewpoint that you're already well - just simply want to tighten up/tone up an area of your life.